Chapter 14

Goals of informative speechs (362ff)

  1. Providing new information or perspective
  2. Agenda setting
  3. Creating positive or negative feeling
Strategies (364ff)
  1. Definition -- tell us the terms, the parts.  Affirmative action is...
  2. Reporting -- tell us what happened.  Can be chronological, but doesn't have to be.
  3. Describing -- tell us what happened, but tell it to us as a story.  Where reporting is objective, describing doesn't have to be.
  4. Explaining -- tell us the context of what happened.  Where reporting and describing concentrate on the outward effects of actions, explaining tells us why those actions happened.  Think forensic.
  5. Demonstrating -- show us, don't tell us.  Demonstrating an action can be particularly memorable.
  6. Comparing -- describe something for us by a sustained evaluation against something both similar and different at the same time.  This is a good way to present multiple options in a speech.
Encouraging Retention (374ff)

The "forgetting curve."  As time passes, we forget more.

Strategies to maximize retention:
  1. Keep audience attention
  2. Reinforce active listening by your audience by recognizing and supporting it
  3. Organization
  4. Use the nurse's we
  5. Be interesting.  Yes, this is #1 again.