Assignment 4: Persuasive web site

For our final assignment, we'll be working in groups to create a persuasive website.  Your group will need to have a front or index page, one page of content for each member of the group (the text of which will be composed individually), and a number of web-specific content types.  Those web-specific content types include a template with some sort of navigational scheme, that will allow users to navigate fairly quickly to any other page and some sort of multimedia content, like an embedded YouTube video (that your group created) or a podcast.
The intended goals of this assignment are as follows.
  1. Your ability to identify a significant and persuadable audience.
  2. An ability to argue efficiently, and to know what portions of your argument to expand in separate pages.
  3. A familiarity with creating human-legibile HTML code, which can be read directly.
Along with the website, your group will also need to provide a justification document detailing your website's design.  This justification should be of at least 1400 words.  This justification should be broken into the following sections, at a minimum, with a good two or three paragraphs in each.
  1. Visual site design.
  2. Navigational structure.  You should consider navigation on two fronts.
  3. HTML Code: Include a explanation of the usefulness and readability of your pages' code.